Does the Sign (title) on The Cross Spells "YHWH"? What would the mystical eye have seen?

The short answer for the first question on the blog title is (YES) but not in the way you think it is. I saw a lot of articles on the web talking about the sign upon the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John 19:19 and rejoicing that it is carrying an acrostic that spells the ineffable name ( יהוה ) . I think that it is clearly a biased reading, first of all it ignores the inscription as reported by the other three gospels and secondly it is based on a faulty construction of the Hebrew behind the Greek and Latin as reported in the gospel of John making it י שוע ה נצרי ו מלך ה יהודים (Yashwa Hanotzri Wamelekh Hayehudim) putting an unnecessary (waw ו ) be fore the word (melekh/king) to make the initials spell (YHWH). If this is my opinion of the above mentioned acrostic why am I putting the big fat (YES) as an answer? The (YES) is based on a mystical (Sod) reading of the acrostic not on the simpl...